Friday, February 17, 2012

The Valentine Paradox

Why do we spend a particular day celebrating romantic love? By having a day set aside for that, I think the implication is during the other 364 (or 365, in this year's case) we don't have to try as hard.

Before you say "Elliott, you're just pissed because you haven't had a Valentine in seven years," I can confirm, yes, that sucks on several levels. But it's also my fault and I'm not writing this to whine about my lovelife. My issue is more with the fact that people see Valentine's Day as the one day a year to really go overboard when showering your special someone with affection. And since I work in retail, every year I see people spending obscene amounts of money for flowers, chocolates, and balloons - all impermanent, cliche expressions of love. 

I don't doubt people's motivations for doing this for their significant other; I'd be right there doing the same thing. A single day just isn't enough though. I'm not saying these people don't do nice things for their husbands and wives throughout the year, but we put so much emphasis on this holiday and how important it is that we spend tons of money on chocolate-covered strawberries and outrageously priced roses. If we think Christmas is a consumerist holiday, Valentine's has it beaten by a country mile.

And yet, on some level, I love Valentine's Day. How can you not? People love each other. They want to do things to make those they care about happy. In a world as messed up as our's is, that's something special in and of itself. Valentine's brings out the best in most people. And for all of us who are too busy being jealous to appreciate other people being in love, I think we should take a long look at ourselves. I think that might be a reason why we're on the outside looking in. I'm definitely guilty of this, but I'm trying to do better about it.

So I guess what I'm saying is that instead of Valentine's Day, we should strive for Valentine's Life when it comes to our significant others. This isn't particularly profound stuff. But I do think it bears repeating. Get out there and love on each other. It makes the world a better place and it makes us better people.

The world's gotten so cynical and a lot of people say true love doesn't exist anymore. Prove them wrong.


  1. Landon and I just read this, Elliott. You have some really good thoughts! I like this resolution to strive for Valentine's life haha.
    That justifies eating chocolate covered strawberries every day right...?
    Keep up your writing, you have some good stuff to say:)


  2. I liked this. Definitely challening
